5 Oct 2011

Staying in the air

It's both scary and exhilarating to do stuff you've never done before. Especially when the stuff you've never done before are big projects that require you to learn a lot of new things.

I've always been fond of learning. And I've never been clever enough to steer away from exciting projects that are too cool to not be involved in. I look at it this way: If I've never done it before, there's no proof that I'm not really good at it, right?! :D

Thankfully, it usually turns out that with enough prep-work and the right people helping me out, I can do basically whatever (with a few exceptions like football, stern arguing, tiling, piano tuning +++). My sister Therese is one of those people who're usually bullied into helping me out, and it's really fab working with her as we share so many of the same crazy ideas and lack of knowledge of our own boundaries ;)

At the moment, we're simultaneously working on several projects: Workshops, tours, Dreamcatcher gigs and the big big one - the upcoming Dreamcatcher Festival. I can't say a lot about it at the moment, because there are so many cool plans flying around and meetings being held, and we're trying to keep as tight a lid on everything as we can until the big reveal date! I can promise you though that it's going to be aaaaawsome!

I'm so proud of us for taking on projects that might seem scary at first! ...or rather... Seem excellent at first, and then when you start working on it and realize how complex it all is, starts being really scary. lol

One of the good knowledges I've taken with me from all of our fearless project-works (and that keeps me calm when my head tells me it's time to panic) is this:

And based on this law of nature (erhm...), our current plans are going to be massive successes!!

It is as they say in The Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy: The way to learn how to fly is to forget to land.


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