15 Oct 2011

Carpenter wanted

Sometimes, enjoying a lovely evening at home with the TV and my thoughts can take a turn for the unexpected...

I am sitting here in my sofa, enjoying a lame chick-flick on TV and quietly observing that my 7 year old kid and his friend (who's spending the night) is still not asleep upstairs, when suddenly; out of nowhere - a scary realization hits me like I haven't been hit since I was 9 and a kid at school pushed me so hard that I fell over on the asphalt and needed to have stitches sown in my forehead!!

I am old! WHERE did that come from, and WHEN did it happen??! How come I haven't noticed the sneaky transformation..?!

Huh? What do you mean; "Why am I old"?! Seriously:

Here I am... On a Saturday night... Sat at home with only my cat as company, watching TV and drinking a soft drink.... Whilst my SON is having his GIRLFRIEND stay over night!!!!!

If that's not proof, I don't know what is! *Hyperventilating*

I got so freaked out that I called up my sister and my mum to fish for some much needed comfort.

- "No, you're not old. You still look like you're in your early twenties."
- "Old? You!? Who's life is so much more rocknroll than it was in your teens?"
- "Hahaha. Relax. You're in your TWENTIES"

...is what I expected them to say.

What they ACTUALLY said is this:

- "Jepp. You're old. Haven't you realized it sooner?"
- "Yeah... So how is the planning of your fiftieth birthday coming along?"
- "Sorry girl. There's only one way to go from here... Catwoman..."

So much for supporting family... :p

That's it! I won't have it anymore. Come, age, and try it on. I'll put up one hell of a fight!
Midlife crisis, schmidlife crisis. I can happily chase away my shock with the naked truth that I'm younger now than I was 5 years ago. (Don't ask me how that works, but it's true)

My life is actually quite fabulous - although I should watch out for my son being such a charmer...
I swear, when he hits 16 and is actually going to have girlfriends over for OTHER purposes than when he's 7, we're going to have to soundproof the hell out of this apartment!

Any volunteers for the job....? :/

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