10 Oct 2011

A friendship in the making

This weekend at my mums house, I was delighted to observe a fascinating and rather amusing phenomenon - The powerstruggle of two newly acquainted animals. Obi Wan (my cat) was determined to be crowned Alfa male, and sweet Mica (my sisters/mums dog) was really frustrated with why this tiny little creature wouldn't play with her. Here are some pictures from Micas attempt to befriend the arrogant cat ;)
Obi Wan is blissfully unaware of the approaching Mica 
But not for long.
-"Oh no! Not that dog again...", Obi thinks to himself.

Obi: "I wonder if she'll go away if I ignore her...?" 

Obi: "Hey! Wait a minute. Where did she go?!"

Obi: "She couldn't have gone far"

Obi: Ah well... I can get back to my nap then.

Mica: Hey there strange little creature. Do you wanna play?
Obi: "Whaaaat!? Get lost."

Mica: "That's too bad... *whimpers*
Do you mind if I just rest my head here for a minute...?"

Mica: "Hi I'm Mica btw"

Obi: "Dog. I don't know what you're up to, but this is MY chair"

Mica: "I'm not up to anything, honestly!
I just wanna get to know you... :( "

Obi: "Ok.. I guess a LITTLE conversation wouldn't go amiss."
Mica: I'm so happy we're friends now!! Welcome to my house!"

Obi: "Hang on a minute, dog. Friends? Who said anything
about being friends?! And btw: Keep to YOUR side of the chair!"

Obi: "Yaaaawn... I'm getting tired now. All this walking on
eggshells around you have made me miss at least two of my
usual daily naps."

And so the amazing thing happened (from the observers point of view of course). Mortal enemies relaxed in each others company. I'm not gonna say they're friends yet - or that they'll live happily ever after; but for a couple of geezers who've only known each other for less than 24 hours, I'd say this looks promising:

But of course... What do I know? ;)

Obi: "Yaaawn. I had the strangest dream... HEY! What's that dog
doing in MY chair!!??"


  1. LOOOOOOVE it!!! :D Our beautiful geezers getting along very well! Looking forward to bringing them both to the office ;) <3 xxx
