21 Sept 2011

Two B's and two T's

One of the great passions of my life is music. Ever since I was a baby it's been something that has caused me great joy! Apparently when I was only a few months old playing music was the only way to get me to relax and fall asleep, and whenever the power was out, my grandpa would play the accordion by my crib until I was happily asleep. Bless him <3

As a music promoter, I'm fortunate enough to get to discover a lot of amazing music - often long before they find their way to the radio stations and fortuned fame. One artist I've had the pleasure of following for a few years is London artist Jamie Abbott. With a John Mayerish sensuality to his gravelly voice and honest, conversational lyrics he's an artist to be reckoned with, and during his two mini tours of Northern Norway the past couple of years, he's charmed audiences with his star quality, gaining fans wherever he gigs.

Promopic. Copyright: Jamie Abbott  

I'd thought I'd mention him in todays blog, as he's playing a gig at the fabulous venue The Regal Room tonight - and the gig is WEBCAST!! That means that if you're in the mood for discovering great new music, you can do it from your own comfy sofa tonight. The webcast is at www.justin.tv/theregalroom and starts at 9pm(ish) norwegian time. I'll be watching for sure :)

On another note: We realized today that we've obviously made a mistake.. Our cat Yoda is neither green, chubby or limping....! Who would have known!!? So clearly he doesn't suit his name!!! How could we not notice that, you ask? Well, sometimes things pass us by... Apparently... So the search was on for a new name. Anakin turned evil in his teens and surely we don't wanna risk that with this kitty, so that's not a good name! Jar Jar was too clumsy a creature to suit our agile, clever family-member, and Padme was a girl... In the end we decided that the good nature of Obi Wan Kenobi echoed the temper of the little kitten, so he's been renamed. The kitty previously known as Yoda now goes by the name of Obi Wan :)

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