16 Nov 2011

Thank You Trouble :)

Hey there all you people that are up in the middle of the night.

I've "just" come back from a lovely and wonderful gig at a brilliant venue in London - and I just wanted to tell you a bit about one of the artists that played there tonight :)

So if you sit/lay back and relax, I'll let you into my secret world for a moment - and introduce you to an artist you should know about. I guarantee you your life will be richer for having heard his music.

His name is Ryan Keen - and he is a percussive guitarplayer and smooth singer. He works the acoustic scene, and has recently been given the honour of travelling around supporting star phenomenon Ed Sheeran. When seeing Keen live, you kinda understand why Ed would want him opening for him. Apart from being am awesome guitarplayer and wonderful songwriter/singer - he has a stage presence that captures the audience and keeps them engaged. Sometimes you see him putting on a full on concentration face for parts of some songs, and then at other times his face just lights up in a wonderful grin and you can see and feel how much he loves doing what he does. It's captivating, and although this is the first time I see him play proper live (apart from webcasted gigs and one time in the back of a van...) - I still feel such pride for the quality artist he is (I knoooow - I'm such a softie! lol).

I'm also very proud to say that he's coming out to Norway to play a few gigs in December, including Dreamcatcher (I'd be mad not to book such talent!), and for some reason, that just adds to the pride I felt when he put on a great performance tonight. Dreamcatcher-artists are kinda "my" artists - and once booked, I'd do anything to help them out.

I have a feeling we're gonna hear a lot from Ryan Keen - and hopefully it won't be long before a lot more people than me start blogging about him ;)

Here's a couple of pictures from tonight:

Now I bet you're all wondering what this guy sounds like! Here's a couple of YouTube-links for you - just for your pleasure ;)

And one of my favourites:

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