5 Nov 2011

The Last Puzzle Pieces

I'm spending the weekend at my mums house. It's the house I grew up in, and it's always incredibly lovely to return to it. The house is on the gorgeous island of Senja, in a tiny Northern-Norwegian village named Skatvika. The amazing thing about this place is how quiet it is, and how much you feel in sync with nature when you're here. You just feel compelled to stand still and draw your breath at times - and feel yourself being filled with cleansing air and energy. It truly is rejuvenating!

I went for a walk late last night. The only sound I could hear was that of the oceans waves caressing the shoreline. Not even a bird uttered a warning that I had come too close to its nightly habitat. The birds are quiet at night. But when you wake in the morning they readily greet you with their songs and cheeky rants. It's one of the things I miss when living in the city. Where I live now, a seagulls voice is synonimous to "watch out or it's gonna steal your food", whilst when I grew up, it was a sign that the weather is good and it's about time to go out and enjoy a new day.

Last night, I walked by a neighbouring house. I stopped to draw a peaceful breath, and the smell of a log fire filled my nostrils. The next breath I drew was salty air from the sea. That's one of the magical things about this place. One of the things I love and that makes me sharpen my senses everytime I visit. All the surprises that nature has in store if only I allow myself to be open to them.

I don't think I can ever stop returning home. When I'm tired and feel incomplete - the last pieces of the puzzle can always be found here.

Skatvika. Photo by: Christina Finjord

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