4 Oct 2012

Accessorizing My Mind

I love music! Ok, that's no bombshell, but I seriously do. I love the way it moves me. The way it shapes my thoughts and emotions and transports my mind to somewhere it wasn't before I pressed "play".

Artists own picture
For instance - if I'm getting ready to go our with my girls one of the best songs I can accessorize my mind with is "I'd Rather Die" by maltese artist Carrie Haber (that is, until she releases her song "If Time Won't Wait" - at which point I'll be a superhappy bunny, skipping between the two at rapid pace). If you don't yet know about the talent that is Carrie Haber, I suggest you get a move on. She's fab!

Other times, songs can mirror your inner fears, desires or worries. And more than once have I felt my own floodgates open (yeah I am a softie, I know) when the lyrics of a certain song seems like it was written about me and my life story.

The song "Fools" by Lauren Aquilina is one of those songs - dealing with the uncertainties of opening yourself up to someone special. We all have our stories, baggage and scars in life, and for me it's insanely good to have the songs to deal with it as well. --->

Another song that has meant a lot to me, speaks about our irritating inability to see the good in ourselves. It annoys me greatly that society teaches us to focus more on our flaws than on our strengths, and as I'm typing now I feel myself getting so worked up that I'm gonna put a cork in it and save the long rant for another blogpost.

<--- This is a bloke named Gary Go. And this song "Wonderful" should be an integral part of any  prescription-pad! It's a miracle-cure, I tell 'ya. I know that if I managed to tell myself this every morning, my outlook on life would be radically different to what it is on a regular basis. 

Hmm... Maybe that's what I should do... Mount an IPad (donations are more than welcome...) to the bathroom mirror and have it play this song to me when I brush my teeth every day at 8am?

And let's take this one step further. After you've started your day confirming that you are wonderful, why not continue with telling yourself to follow your dreams?
How can it hurt to tell yourself that you can be anything you want? For my own part, life is a lot more fulfilling now that I've started dedicating it to making my dreams come true. I know these guys who are in a band called The Dunwells. ---> They're incredibly talented and unbelievably hard-working. The first time I saw them play I thought they were sooo good - and little did I know that it was possible for them to get even better. They are one of those rare bands that just get more breathtaking with each gig they do. 

They're currently touring their asses off adding fuel to the sparks that have earned them a record-deal in USA. They also recently appeared on Jay Leno (Tonight Show), and I can tell you one thing: There were a lot of us who have been following them from the start, who shed a tear with pride for how far they've come on their journey. And just imagine what lies ahead of them! I think they must be the kind of people who has an "I Am Wonderful"-stamp on their mirror, and who keeps telling themselves that they're worth the effort of pursuing their dreams! The song "I Could Be A King"certainly inspires me to do it.

And so for tonight I'm signing off.

Love you all.

King Liselotte ;)

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