10 Jul 2012

Write It On Your Skin

Did you all see it? My newest tattoo?! :D I now have the most beautiful (in my opinion at least) hot air balloon decorating my left upper arm - complete with a few meaningful details...

1. There four people in the hamper. These represent the presences in my life who's support, input and love I could not live without: "Family", "Friends", "Myself" and "My son". I need all four to complete my life, and I constantly find myself being thankful for having them there <3

2. The world. If it's one thing I've learned it's that the world is a very small place, and that you will find pieces of the puzzle that is yourself scattered all over ;) My world is now literally with me at all times - a  reminder that no adventure is too big to undertake, and no dream too big to realize!

3. Stormy skies. As all you "hamper"-people know, my life has not had the smoothest sailing... Nor has that of those closest to me. That's why my balloon is surrounded by orange, stormy, whirly clouds - to represent the curve-balls that life throws at you, and the turmoils that we all have to face in our lives. But as long as we stay in the hamper, we'll be good ;)

4. The hot air balloon itself. This is how it all started. And it represents the moment my biggest childhood dream came true! Or, rather... The moment I made my biggest childhood dream come true. Because dreams are funny that way... You alone how the power to make them come true, and to be able to look at that little girl that was yourself all those years ago and flash her a big grin saying: "See; I did it! You dreamed it, and I didn't let you down. I didn't let me down!" We're all worth the effort of not letting ourselves down - and the moment I saw a certain hot air balloon rise towards the skies I could proudly say that to myself.

So for all of you who've been asking about the significance of the tattoo: There you have it ;) A huge woop wooop and three buckets of kudos to Tomasz at Eclipse Tattoostudio in Camden, London for immortalizing this on my skin.

And speaking of skin: One of my favourite artists, Newton Faulkner has JUST released his latest album entitled "Write It On Your Skin". After listening to it a few times, I can honestly say that I haven't been this excited and impressed by an album-release since Ed Sheeran a little while back!!

Here's a video of one of his catchy songs. DO buy the album - It truly is worth it!! I'm humming his tunes 24/7 now :D


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