30 Jan 2012

The Battle of Domination!

In chess you have two sides battling it out. The fight between good and evil - white and black. When growing up we're kinda bombarded with this black&white image that that's how life is. You have the good guys - and you have the bad guys. The good guys are always depicted as someone grown-ups want the kids to look up to... To aspire to be like... To identify with. Parents always want their kids to grow up to be good guys. In chess, I've always wanted to be the white pieces. I kinda imagined that they were on the good side (plus that they got to make the first move ;) ) and that was very much to my liking.

Then you have the piano.....

...and you realize that you can play all the notes. Black or white doesn't make a difference - you control them all! It's kinda a dictatorian feeling, controlling both sides of the battle. ;) Can you imagine then, my disappointment, when I suddenly realize that there is someone in my house plotting to take over world-domination?! And he's even in camouflage-gear!!!


  1. Sometimes, sweetie.... You think too much! Obi's not planning on world domination, he's going: "Hm.. That looks kinda flat. Wonder if it's comfy... No, it's not... oh, well. Can't be botherd to move" xxx
