9 Sept 2012


After a long while of sitting quietly in on scrapbooking-nights with my mum, sister and other friends, I slowly got tricked into trying the art of creating greeting-cards for myself. I say "for myself" with double meaning actually, because I've realized that once I've put my heart and soul into creating a card exactly like I see it in my minds eye - I feel the overwhelming need to keep it for myself and not give it to anyone.... lol 

Anyways, I thought I'd share with you some pictures of a couple of cards I've made.

First up is a fairy-tale card. It was one of the first ones I made, and the big gem in the front technically belongs to my mum... But the compromise was that I was going to attempt making a card if I got to use that gem as a theme ;) And here's the result: 

Front of the card

Open once...

Open twice ;)

Another card I've made quite recently is a wedding card. For this I accepted the challenge of using pink and making it very romantic (something I don't usually do when scrapbooking). Here is how it turned out:

Front of the card

The inside of the card. The card says: "Magi finner du i de små øyeblikkene som lyser opp dagen. Kunsten er å oppdage dem". Translated: "Magic is found in the small moments that light up the day. The art is to discover them".

Another view of the inside

The back of the card

5 Sept 2012


Howdy peeps. I just found a cool new tool that made me into a cartoon-character!! :D I'm geekily overexcited about this and can't wait to find out if I've got any superpowers!

Sweet girl

Attacking with blind fury!! (lol)

What IS that over there?

Cool kid in town!

Teary eyed

I long to be with you


Girl Next Door

Lara Croft (apparently)

Romantic mood 

Saaaaaad :'(