29 Aug 2012

It's fairylight season again!

It's Tuesday night, the (fake) fireplace is warming my living-room, I've lit some candles and find myself being calm and relaxed - and getting more and more excited about something that's going to happen in a few days... Friday, to be exact.

After what seems like an eternity, another season of Dreamcatcher-gigs are finally going to start up. I can't believe it's already been 2,5 years since me and my sister Therese got into full Dreamcatcher-mode, and that the upcoming Friday night gig will mark our second birthday as promoters.

This particular gig will be even more special for us though, and to explain why - please indulge me as I try to explain :) Earlier this year we were approached by a local charity called JuVel, who asked if we could consider getting involved in their work. They are dedicated to shedding light on the difficult financial situation for the local crisis house where women and children in violent homes can escape to and hide out when they are being abused and fear for their lives.

Unfortunately, we know all too well that these kind of crisis-houses are necessary; something that both me and my sister Therese have experienced in our childhood. Although we were fortunate enough to have family and friends around to protect us, and thus never had to move into a crisis house, we know a bit about the terrors that these innocent people go through. And we know that without the right help, it can ruin lives. That's why, when JuVel approached us, we were eager to do what we can to help create better conditions for the children and women who need a safe place to hide from abusive "loved-ones".

This first Dreamcatcher-show of the season will therefore be dedicated to raising money for a therapeutic play-room for children in the local crisis house. Three wonderful artists are ready to put on an amazing show and ensure that it WILL be a night to remember! Just check them out for yourself:

June Egerton

Tall Dark Friend (uk)

The Northern Lies

Now THAT's what I call a lineup!! Of course, if you can't make it to Tromsø on Friday night for the gig, you can watch it online at www.justin.tv/DreamcatcherMusic. Feel free to join the chat with all the superfriendly people in there, and I'll drop by the chat myself from time to time and say hi to you guys ;)

Needless to say, I love the whole Dreamcatchering business! All the work... The frustrations over bookings gone wrong...  The swearing when some people are being utter and impossible divas... The ecstasies of bookings gone right and shows being successful... The memories created on tour...  The feedback from our audience... And all the wonderful people we get to come into contact with - from all over the world!! Our childhood was rough, but we turned it around and dedicated our lives to catching dreams. Now I'm proud and privileged to be a part of doing the same for other children in need.

See you all at Driv this Friday xx

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