11 Feb 2013

January 2013

The song that belongs to my January of 2013 is a wonderfully inspiring love song by the amazing british artist Tich http://iamtich.com/

Here's her song "Breathe In Breathe Out" - my favorite song (by far) in January <3

8 Feb 2013

For the very first time

I did something for the first time today. I like doing things for the first time. It makes me feel fresh and sporty, and not like someone who is too set in their ways to ever venture out of their comfort zone. I have been told repeatedly that the magic only happens outside your comfort zone, so I try to spend a bit of time there as often as I dare. And doing something for the very first time is a good way of doing just that.

This particular time I was extremely pleased with all the good consequences of doing something that was new to me. Ladies and gentlemen.... Today I bought my very first LP record!!! :D

Now, let me explain why I'm so pleased with this (apart from it being a very good record, but more about that later): 1. I am officially not old enough to have bought LPs in my youth. 2. I can refute being a hipster, as all the hipsters I know have been doing this for a couple of years already.

And which band/artist, do you ask, has had the honor of being my first ever buy? Jupp let me tell you. The talented and awesome indieband Hjerterå.

I first came across these guys in June 2010 when they asked to come and play Dreamcatcher. I immediately fell for their musical craftsmanship, stage presence and thought-provoking lyrics, and they are, in my opinion, one of the most exciting new emerging bands in Norway today. Ok, there are many exciting bands on the rise from both my local town and other towns in Norway, but for me, Hjerterå has caught my eye for one particular reason.

I am a music promoter because I want to be and because I love what I do. And as a promoter, it is important to me that the bands and artists I promote and work with mirror the values me and my company stands for. Just like any conscious and successful company in the world really... For me that is hard work, dedication, being good at what you do and deliver a product you are proud of. And like anyone I know, I also want to have a good day on the job and not work with assholes. 

Many artists and bands focus a lot on the hard work-bit and the bit about delivering a CD/EP/LP where all the sounds and harmonies are tweaked to perfection in a trained musicians ear. That's awesome and shows your dedication to your art, but if you don't also spend the same amount of effort on making sure your live shows are top notch EVERY time and that you treat the people around you with respect - then quite frankly I don't care how talented you are and how fat that new guitar-pedal sounds on that track, I am not interested in working with you. You reflect poorly on MY company and on ME! In the team that creates a live performance you also have sound-engineers, stage-techs, promoters and very importantly the audience - and all deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect.

Hjerterå inherits a trifector that sadly many bands forget to think about - a trifector that adds to their professionality. They always bring their A-game to any gig they play (NO gig is too small or insignificant for them to do a good job at) - they execute with perfection (as the skilled musicians and performers(!) they are) - and they are always a joy and delight to work with for those of us who are backstage. 

If you get a chance to see Hjerterå live, I recommend you do it. Unlike many other talented bands and artists I have come across they WILL give you your moneys worth. For those reasons alone, I am proud to have made them my first EVER LP purchase. Now I just need to get myself an LP-player....

"Hjerterå - Svanesangen"

PS: The LP also includes a CD that unhipsters like me can play in my car and rip to my I-Tunes library. Double-WIN :D